Whiteladies Rd/Blackboy Hill new signalised crossing for St John's School - detailed drawings
Another pinch point issue being installed on Whiteladfies Rd as part of the St. John’s Primary School Expansion which links the school in Worrall Road to the new site at the old police station at Lower Redland Road. Looks bad at the moment as there's just the buildout but signals will follow.
BCC Engineer states:
"In terms of specific cycle facilities we are making a number of improvement to the area:
Adding a 1.5 metre uphill cycle lane on Whiteladies Road near the Grove Road area (existing signalised crossing is to be removed).
Adding a 1.5m uphill red surfaced cycle lane (without markings) through the crossing on Whiteladies Road near Lower Redland Road.
Adding a continuous contra-flow cycle lane through the 2 one-way sections of Lower Redland Road (which was requested by cyclists in the area).